赖添茂 博士、教授、硕士生导师
电子邮箱: laitianmao@163.com ;laitm@gzhu.edu.cn
2014年毕业于华南理工大学机械与汽车工程学院,获得博士学位。2014-2017年期间在清华大学摩擦学国家重点实验室从事博士后研究工作。研究方向为微纳粘着与微纳摩擦等。研究内容主要是探讨微纳米尺度下的粘着和摩擦机理,并利用原子力显微镜测量粘着力和摩擦力,以期为微机电系统的抗粘和摩擦学设计提供指导。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项和青年科学基金项目1项,省基面上1项,中国博士后科学基金特别资助1项和中国博士后科学基金面上项目1项。在表面科学和粘着领域国际著名期刊《Applied Surface Science》、《Langmuir》、《International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives》和《The Journal of Adhesion》等发表一作或通讯SCI收录论文20余篇。学术兼职:广东省机械工程学会摩擦学分会理事会副理事长(2018-2021年、2024-2028年); Applied Surface Science,Langmuir,The Journal of Adhesion和Friction等国际期刊的受邀审稿人。
◆2009.09-2014.06 华南理工大学 机械设计及理论 博士
◆2002.09-2006.06 武汉理工大学 机械工程及自动化 学士
◆2024.08-至今 广州大学 机械与电气工程学院 教授
◆2017.09-2024.07 广州大学 机械与电气工程学院 副教授
◆2014.07-2017.07 清华大学摩擦学国家重点实验室 博士后
2019.04 授予广州市高层次人才青年后备人才(A证)称号;
[1] Tianmao Lai (*), Yuting Zhang, and Ting Zhu. Contact time dependence of adhesion force studied at low, moderate, and high relative humidities on AFM: Influence of surface hydrophilicity. Applied Surface Science, 2024, 649: 159124. (*)为通信作者,下同.
[2] Tianmao Lai (*), Runsheng Wang, and Ting Zhu. Evolution behavior of adhesion force with continually changed relative humidity revealed on AFM. The Journal of Adhesion, 2024, DOI: 10.1080/00218464.2024.2343409.
[3] Tianmao Lai (*), Yuen Chen and Yuting Zhang. Evolution of adhesion force behavior at the silica-HOPG interface from humidity-independent to humidity-dependent revealed on an AFM. The Journal of Adhesion, 2023, 99(16): 2402-2433.
[4] Tianmao Lai (*), Siyuan Qiu, and Runsheng Wang. Material-related and various dependences of adhesion force on piezo velocity revealed on an AFM at moderate humidity. The Journal of Adhesion, 2023, 99(8): 1402-1425.
[5] Tianmao Lai (*), Mingli Guo, Yuguo Chen, and Ting Zhu. Shielding effect of hydrophobic graphene on contact time dependence of adhesion force and instability with repeated contacts at silica/silica interface. The Journal of Adhesion, 2023, 99(3): 449-472.
[6] Tianmao Lai (*), Ming Chen and Yuting Zhang. Contact time dependence of adhesion force at silica/silica interface on AFM: Influence of relative humidity and contact history. Applied Surface Science 2022, 600: 154175.
[7] Tianmao Lai (*), Yuguo Chen, Jianchao Sun, Mingli Guo. Material-related contact time dependence of adhesion force revealed by an AFM cantilever in a humid environment. Applied Surface Science, 2021,550, 149357.
[8] Tianmao Lai (*), Ting Zhu, Yuguo Chen, and Mingli Guo. Different evolution behaviors of adhesion force with relative humidity at silica/silica and silica/graphene interfaces studied using atomic force microscopy. Langmuir 2021, 37(44):13075–13084.
[9] Tianmao Lai (*), Yuguo Chen, Bin Fang and Jingwei Wang. Decrease in adhesion force at silica-mica interface with short contact time due to dynamic formation process of liquid bridge revealed on an AFM. The Journal of Adhesion, 2022, 98(10): 1501-1519.
[10] Tianmao Lai (*), Mingli Guo, and Yuguo Chen. Evolution of millimetric-range electrostatic forces between an AFM cantilever and a charged dielectric via suspended force curves. The Journal of Adhesion, 2022, 98(14): 2277-2294.
[11] Tianmao Lai (*), Zhengwen Du and Yuguo Chen. Abnormally large and small adhesion forces between plasma-treated silicon surfaces studied on AFM. The Journal of Adhesion, 2021. 97(4): 305-327.
[12] Ping Li, Tianmao Lai (*). Influence of lateral movement on level behavior of adhesion force measured repeatedly by an atomic force microscope (AFM) colloid probe in dry conditions. Materials, 2021, 14(2), 370.
[13] Yuguo Chen, Zening Hong, Yi Fan, and Tianmao Lai (*). Dependence of Adhesion Force on Contact Time due to Water Thin-Film Flow Revealed with an AFM cantilever at Low Humidity. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 2022, 36(6):620–631.
[14] Tianmao Lai (*), Jianchao Sun, and Yuguo Chen. Relative humidity is not a direct factor to influence adhesion force between two silica surfaces, The Journal of Adhesion, 2022, 98(5), 413-428.
[15] Tianmao Lai (*) and Ping Li. Direct evidence of a radius of collection area for thin film flow in liquid bridge formation by repeated contacts using AFM. Langmuir, 2019, 35(20): 6585-6593.
[16] Tianmao Lai and Yonggang Meng (*).Time-dependent dynamic behaviors of a confined liquid to achieve tailored adhesion force with repeated contacts revealed by atomic force microscopy. Langmuir, 2018, 34 (50):15211–15227.
[17] Tianmao Lai (*), Kai Shi and Ping Huang. Effect of water thin film on the adhesion force between two silica surfaces using AFM. The Journal of Adhesion, 2020, 96(7): 691-716.
[18] Tianmao Lai (*), Kai Shi and Ping Huang. Adhesion force behaviors between two silica surfaces with varied water thin film due to substrate temperature studied by AFM. The Journal of Adhesion, 2020, 96(9): 855-872.
[19] Tianmao Lai, Yonggang Meng (*).Logarithmic contact time dependence of adhesion force and its dominant role among the effects of AFM experimental parameters under low humidity, Applied Surface Science, 2017, 419: 294-304.
[20] Tianmao Lai and Yonggang Meng (*). Behaviors of time-dependent and time-independent adhesion forces revealed using an AFM under different humidities and measuremental protocols, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2017, 78, 121-134.
[21] Tianmao Lai, Yonggang Meng (*) and Ping Huang. Adhesion forces between a parabolic-shaped AFM tip scanning a grooved gold surface: Comparison of a model and an experiment. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2018, 86, 73-83.
[22] Tianmao Lai, Yonggang Meng (*), Quanpeng Yang and Ping Huang. Evolution and level behavior of adhesion force by repeated contacts of an AFM colloid probe in dry environment, The Journal of Adhesion, 2018, 94(4), 313-333.
[23] Tianmao Lai, Yonggang Meng (*), Wanglong Zhan and Ping Huang. Logarithmic decrease of adhesion force with lateral dynamic revealed by an AFM cantilever at different humidities,The Journal of Adhesion, 2018, 94(4), 334-346.
[24] Tianmao Lai, Yonggang Meng(*), Huaqing Tang and Guanyun Yu. Influence of lateral velocity on adhesion force of surfaces with different hydrophilicity revealed by an AFM colloidal probe at humid environments, The Journal of Adhesion, 2018, 94(12), 1036-1050.
[25] Tianmao Lai (*),Shengguang Zhu,Ping Huang. Adhesion behavior of a grating at a single location by using an AFM flat tip under different conditions, The Journal of Adhesion, 2016. 92(3):194-213.
[26] Tianmao Lai (*),Ping Huang,Yazhi Cai. Adhesion reduction of diamond-Like carbon films based on different contact geometries by using an AFM, The Journal of Adhesion, 2016, 92(1): 18-38.
[27] Tianmao Lai (*),Rongyu Chen,Ping Huang. Temperature dependence of microscale adhesion force between solid surfaces using an AFM,Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2015, 2(29): 133-148.
[28] Tianmao Lai,Ping Huang(*). Study on microscale adhesion between solid surfaces with scanning probe,Science China Technological Sciences, 2013, 12(56):2934-2952.