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2021/11/11  点击:[]


王洪鑫 博士、副教授、硕士生导师




电子邮箱: wanghx@gzhu.edu.cn



王洪鑫,研究方向主要包括仿生机器人、外骨骼机器人、张拉整体机器人、非线性动力学分析、大规模/高分辨率结构优化设计。研究成果发表在Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, International Journal for Numerical Method in Engineering, Finite Elements in Analysis & Design, Composite Structures等国际期刊上,共发表论文20余篇。


2015-2020  湖南大学 机械工程  博士(硕博连读)  导师:文桂林教授

2019-2020  RMIT University  博士联合培养   导师:YiMin Xie 院士

2011-2015 湖南大学  工程力学  学士


2021-至今  广州大学 机械与电气工程学院 副教授




1 广东省自然科学基金面上项目:张拉整体上肢康复外骨骼人机运动相容性分析及优化设计研究, 2023-01 2025-12, 10万元主持

2)广州市校(院)联合资助项目:拓扑关系复杂和组件构型不规则的张拉整体结构拓扑优化方法研究,2022-04 2024-0320万元,主持

3)广州市科学技术局基础与应用基础研究项目:满足功能形变需求的多稳态张拉整体结构拓扑优化方法研究,2022-04 2024-035万元,主持

4)国家自然科学基金项目(重点项目) 空间绝对定位运动稳定性与仿鸡脖子柔性隔振原理,2019-01-01 2023-12-31, 320万元, 参与

5)国家自然科学基金项目(面上项目):月壤取芯动态过程复杂接触力学机理及实验研究, 2017-01 2020-12, 66万元, 参与

6)横向项目:月壤采样器提芯力模型与封口密闭行为研究, 北京卫星制造厂,参与





[1] Wang H(王洪鑫), Liu J, Wen G. A study on fail-safe topological design of continuum structures with stress concentration alleviation. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2022, 65(6): 174.

[2] Wang H(王洪鑫), Liu J, Wen G. An efficient evolutionary structural optimization method for multi-resolution designs. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2020, 62(2): 787-803.

[3] Wang H(王洪鑫), Liu J, Wen G, Xie Y. The robust fail-safe topological designs based on the Von Mises stress. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2020, 171: 103376.

[4] Wang H(王洪鑫), Liu J, Wen G. An adaptive mesh-adjustment strategy for continuum topology optimization to achieve manufacturable structural layout. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2019, 117(13): 1304-1322.

[5] Wang H(王洪鑫), Chen Z, Wen G, Ji G, Xie Y. A robust node-shifting method for shape optimization of irregular gridshell structures. Structures, 2021, 34: 666-677.

[6] Wang H(王洪鑫), Liu J, Wen G. An efficient multi-resolution topology optimization scheme for stiffness maximization and stress minimization. Engineering Optimization, 2020, 54(1): 40-60.

[7] Wang H(王洪鑫), Liu J, Wen G. An efficient evolutionary structural optimization method with smooth edges based on the game of building blocks. Engineering Optimization, 2019, 51(12): 2089-2108.

[8] Wang H(王洪鑫), Liu J,Qian X, Fan X,Wen G*. Continuum structural layout in consideration of the balanceof the safety and the properties of structures. Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, 14(6), 1143-1169.

[9] Wen G, Zhang S, Wang H(王洪鑫), Wang Z, He J, Chen Z, Liu J, Xie Y.  Origami-based acoustic metamaterial for tunable and broadband sound attenuation. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2023, 239: 107872.

[10] Xue L, Wen G, Wang H(王洪鑫), Liu J. Eigenvectors-guided topology optimization to control the mode shape and suppress the vibration of the multi-material plate. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2022, 391: 114560.

[11] Chen Z, Wen G, Wang H(王洪鑫), Xue L, Liu J. Multi-resolution nonlinear topology optimization with enhanced computational efficiency and convergence. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2021, 38(2), 1-17.

[12] Xue L, Liu J, Wen G, Wang H(王洪鑫). Efficient, high-resolution topology optimization method based on convolutional neural networks. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2021, 16(1): 80-96.

[13] Zhao G, Liu J, Cui J, Wang H(王洪鑫), Wen G. Revealing the mechanism of the force dragging the soft bag in the dynamic process of deep soil coring. Powder technology, 2019, 344: 251-259.

[14] Liu J, Chen T, Zhang Y, Wen G, Qing Q, Wang H(王洪鑫), Ramin S, Xie Y. On sound insulation of pyramidal lattice sandwich structure. Composite Structures, 2019, 208, 385-394.


[16]文桂林,刘杰,陈梓杰,魏鹏,龙凯,王洪鑫,荣见华,谢亿民.非线性连续体拓扑优化方法综述.力学学报,202254(9): 1-17.

