周琰 博士、讲师、硕士生导师
办公地点:电子信息楼607 B15
电子邮箱: yanzhou@gzhu.edu.cn
◆2011.09-2016.12 西南交通大学 机械设计及理论 博士(硕博)
◆2007.09-2011.06 西南交通大学 机械设计制造及其自动化 学士
◆2017.06-至今 广州大学 机械与电气工程学院 讲师
(1) Yan Zhou,Zhen-zhen Gui,Ji-liang Mo,Jin-fang Peng,Zhi-biao Xu,Min-hao Zhu. Slippage effects on the crack behavior of pearlitic steel induced via rolling-sliding friction. Wear, 2021, 482-483:203959
(2) Zhenzhen Gui, Zhixin Kang, Yan Zhou#, Jianhui Zhang. Effect of the content and morphology of β-compounds and precipitation on the corrosion behavior of biodegradable magnesium alloys. Advance Engineering Materials, 2021, 23:1
(3) Yan Zhou, Ji-liang Mo, Zhen-bing Cai, Chang-guang Deng, Jin-fang Peng, Minhao Zhu. Third-body and crack behavior in white etching layer induced by sliding–rolling friction. Tribology International, 2019, 140:105882
(4) Yan Zhou, Jin-fang. Peng, Meng-jie Wang, Ji-liang Mo, Chang-guang Deng, Min-hao Zhu. Tribochemical Behavior of Pure Magnesium During Sliding Friction. Metals, 2019, Volumes 9, 3
(5) Zhibiao Xu, Jinfang Peng, Jianhua Liu, Yan Zhou, Jihua Liu, Minhao Zhu. Investigation of fretting fatigue behavior and micro-structure evolution in LZ50 steel subjected to torsional load. International Journal of Fatigue, 2019, 128: 105173
(6) Yan Zhou, Ming-xue Shen, Zhen-bin Cai, Jin-fang. Peng, Min-hao Zhu. Study on dual rotary fretting wear behavior of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy. Wear, 2017, Volumes 376-377, Part A, 670-679
(7) Hangboce Yin, Yi Xu, Xinggang Li, Weirong Chang, Yan Zhou. Design of friction and wear resistant titanium- and cobalt-modified nickel-base repair alloys by spray forming. Materials and Design, 2017, 116: 403-410
(8) Y. Zhou, Z. B. Cai, J. F. Peng, B. B. Cao, X. S. Jin, M. H. Zhu. Tribo-chemical behavior of eutectoid steel during rolling contact friction. Applied Surface Science, 2016, Volume 388, Part A, 40–48
(9) Y. Zhou, J. F. Peng, W. J. Wang, X.S. Jin, M. H. Zhu. Slippage effect on rolling contact wear and damage behavior of pearlitic steels. Wear, 2016, 362: 78-86.
(10) Y. Zhou, J. F. Peng, Z. P. Luo, B. B. Cao, X. S. Jin, M. H. Zhu. Phase and microstructural evolution in white etching layer of a pearlitic steel during rolling–sliding friction. Wear, 2016, 362: 8-17.
(11) 周琰, 彭金方, 赵磊, 王文健, 李炜, 金学松, 朱旻昊. 不同滑滚比下轮轨材料损伤行为. 材料工程, 2016, 44(2): 75-80.
(12) Ming-xue Shen, Zhen-Bing Cai, Yan Zhou, Xu-dong Peng, Min-hao Zhu. Characterization of friction-induced local convex topography under dual-rotary fretting. Tribology International, 2015, 90: 67-76.